Why not join us for one of our monthly online writing workshops?

Whether it’s exploring themes, form
or new collaborations,
we’ve got you covered!

Online workshops this season

  • Grumbles and Glimmers (with Leanne Moden)

    12th March 2024
    6pm (90 mins)

    An online writing workshop all about optimism, pessimism, the thinks that make us joyful, and the things that make us rage.

    About the workshop: We all have things that make us hopeful and things that make us despair, but how do we go about putting those things into words? Join us for a creative writing workshop about pessimism, optimism, and all those grumbles and glimmers that make life strange and complicated and joyful and worth living. We’ll talk about the big things, the small things, and the things that defy categorisation. We’ll have a chat, have a laugh, and use existing and published writing, images and sound as inspiration for creating your own work. This workshop is suitable for all ages and abilities.

    About Leanne: Leanne Moden is a poet and workshop leader from Nottingham. As a poet, she’s performed at events all over the UK. She was a national semi-finalist at the BBC Edinburgh Fringe Slam, the Hammer and Tongue poetry slam, and the Camden Roundhouse Slam, and her first full-length poetry show premiered at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2019. As a workshop leader, she’s worked with groups of all ages all across the UK and Europe. Her first pamphlet, 'Liaisons' was published by Stewed Rhubarb Press in 2015, and her latest pamphlet ‘Get Over Yourself’ was published by Burning Eye Books in July 2020.

  • Wordplay and Constraints (with Máire Stephens)

    18th April 2024.
    6pm (90 mins)

    Explore how restrictions can help you develop your writing, and how creative boundaries can take us in new and exciting directions.

    About the workshop:
    This workshop will cover using constraints of time, vocabulary, and form to stimulate creativity. It is for anyone who has sat in front of a blank screen or piece of paper, full of ideas but struggling to focus. It is for those who want to write poetry but aren’t sure where to begin. It is for those who enjoy puzzles and challenges, and find wordplay fascinating. During the workshop we’ll explore how various restrictions can be used to develop pieces of writing and how staying within certain boundaries can take us in new and exciting directions.

    About Maire: Belfast born, Manchester raised and now a ‘stop-over’ on the Isle of Man, Máire Stephens is a teacher with a love of folklore, history and the Manx countryside. She began writing the occasional poem about a decade ago but since discovering Write Club online at the start of the first lockdown has found a whole, new world of poetry, experimenting with form and subject matter. She has had work published in a number of anthologies and also writes for, and performs with, a local heritage group at various Manx historical sites.

  • Making Manifestos (with Georgia Preece)

    Friday 17th May 2024
    6pm (90 mins)

    Explore the manifesto as an art form in itself, as well as a personal call to action.

    About the workshop: This workshop will explore the manifesto as an art form in itself, as well as a personal call to action. Through the workshop we will explore a series of prompts, diving into the big and small - prompts are kept gentle and loose, with scope for participants to make their manifesto as silly or serious as they want it to be. Participants will come away from the workshop with their own unique manifesto which can be used as a performative piece, introducing an audience to themselves, or as a piece of reflective material.

    About Georgia: West Midland born, East Midlands based, Georgia Preece is a poet and performer, artist, and workshop facilitator. During the day she works as a mentor for a young people’s charity in Lincoln, providing one-to-one, person-centred support to young people in the surrounding areas. Alongside this she is Visual Director for the Radical Art Review, a volunteer run grass roots art publication, part of UKNA's 2023 New Artist Collective and TEDx Brayford Pool performer.

  • "Who, Me?" Poetry As Memoir (with Ann Atkins)

    20th June 2024
    6pm (120 mins)

    "Who? Me?" Poetry as memoir - mining memories for inspiration.

    About the workshop: In this workshop we will be looking at examples of poetry that capture how people, places and moments shape us. We will discuss how some of the memorable times in our lives are not necessarily big events or special occasions. We will write our own poems that create snapshot images of snippets of our lives. We will look at how by zooming in on important details we can capture a feeling or form powerful metaphors. We will experiment with editing out unnecessary background and explanation to give our poems impact.

    About Ann: Ann Atkins is a slam-winning poet who likes playing with words and finding inspiration in unusual places, often dished up with a dash of humour. She performs across the country and worldwide online. She co-hosts Coventry’s Fire&Dust open mic, and Fire&Dust Zoom for an international audience. Ann has been published in numerous anthologies and her work has featured on several radio shows. Her collection Not a Robot was published by Allographic Press (2023). Experienced in writing for commissions, she also enjoys facilitating workshops for all ages. Ann features in the Write Club Podcast, is a Nine Arches Press Dynamo mentee (2023-24) and represented Coventry in Dresden on the Coventry Dresden Writers exchange in 2023. She is quite sure she is not a robot.

  • Exercise your Empathy (with Keely Mills)

    18th July
    6pm (90 mins)

    Using poetry to create moments of connection, and exercising your empathy to write poems that only you can.

    About the workshop: Exercise your empathy or the poet as an empath. Every person has a unique view and inner monologue, but a poet often uses their work to try to understand the world and their feelings in it. Then the magic happens when readers feel the same as the poem, or even when they don't! Delve into this workshop and tap into what makes your poetry so you. And how your words can help you and those it comes into contact with. Practice writing about the small, the big and the overlooked and share how these can create moments of relief and connection.

    Please make sure you are somewhere relaxed when participating and not in a busy or a space that reminds you of lots of jobs to do.

    About Keely: Keely Mills is a poet, placemaker & creative producer. She is the chair of Syntax Poetry, former Peterborough Poet Laureate & has performed across the UK from Edinburgh Festival to the Houses of Parliament. She forms villages with poetry residencies at Peterborough Lido, TEDX Peterborough & Epping Forest. Her work is on bridges, Lido dressing rooms, Lions, BBC radio and benches near lakes. She has led lots of workshops, using them to tell people’s fortunes, bring a group together or shape a strategy for a city. Her main skills are creating safe spaces for creativity & recording people’s stories for the future.

  • Music and Poetry (with Jay Sandhu)

    19th September
    6pm (120 mins)

    Discover the art of weaving words into melodies with this workshop on poetry and music.

    About the workshop: Step into the realm where poetry intertwines with melodies and soundscapes in our captivating workshop! Discover the art of weaving words into melodies, creating a symphony of emotions that resonates deeply. Through the interactive session, learn how to craft powerful poetry that harmonises with music and soundscapes, elevating your creative expression to new heights.

    Join us for an unforgettable fusion of literature and music that will leave you inspired and enriched.

    About Jay: Jay Sandhu is a multifaceted creative, his work delves into identity, race, and social justice through an accessible, humorous lens. Whilst a writer, comedian, and maths teacher, he's also a Festival lead at The Nottingham Poetry Festival, writes for Left Lion magazine and hosts diverse creative workshops and poetry and music events under Nott Another. His artistic journey started with poetry, evolving to include music and comedy, leading him to perform nationwide and present on local BBC radio.

  • Cheeky Poetry (with Charley Genever)

    21st November 2024
    6pm (120 mins)

    Explore the cheeky, naughty, unconventional, and down right sordid world of Not Suitable for Work (NSFW) poetry.

    About the workshop: This workshop is the mate that gives you permission to be uncensored. To say what's really on your mind. Explore the cheeky, naughty, unconventional, and down right sordid world of Not Suitable for Work (NSFW) poetry. Whether you want to write a filthy love poem to your partner, vent about state of the world, or just have a space to write a bit of a sweary poem, this workshop is for you. Together we'll get messy with language, have a laugh, and write some stuff you'd never read to your mum or your boss... or who knows, maybe this workshop will give you the confidence to!

    Due to the nature of this workshop, please do consider where in your home you sit when participating, as there is likely to be a lot of swearing/explicit content!

    About Charley: Charley Genever is an LGBTQIA+ poet and creative producer. Living and working from Peterborough, she is a former Peterborough Poet Laureate, vice chair of the Syntax Poetry collective, and produces her own spoken word night ‘Freak Speak’, rated as one of the UK's best Poetry & Spoken Word nights by Picador. She has worked with a variety of arts organisations across the country, including Tate Britain, The Poetry Society, Apples and Snakes, and The Mighty Creatives. Her debut collection, 'Unsexed' was published in 2017 by BX3. Her work also explores unconventional methods of presentation - from a poetry suit to cut-up stop motion videos to collaboration with dancers. In her personal practice she often explores topics of censorship, intimacy, and vulnerability.